Timber Framing
With 19th century wood working as a hobby and owning a
sawmill. It didn't take long for a Timber Frame project to come along.
A good friend
Jeff, called one day and asked me to saw timbers for a timber frame barn he was building
on his property. We sat down and talked about working with green logs or find salvaged
beams some where. He settled on beams and we started, after taking all the nails out of
the beams, we resawed them and all the other components as in floor joists, rafters and
purlins. He asked me when we where done sawing if I had time to help cut mortises and
tenons. Well I was hooked. Jeff, a fine home builder and finish carpenter by trade, had
all the tools to do the job. I show up with a framing chisel, a slick and a wooden mallet.
He joked at me and called me old schoo. We used all the modern ways of cutting and sawing,
but in the end the old tools still are needed. The barn is finished and both of us had so
much fun building the barn, that we have teamed up to do other projects
We will settle for nothing short of
perfect. When we work together a little slogan comes out of our mouths frequently when
leveling or figuring a roof pitch layout and when we test it, one will say perfect, the
other will say perfect is good! That is how we work today. We continually strive to meet
perfection in every aspect of the build we do. We have both come to the point in our lives
that our work speaks for itself. Combined, we have over 50 years of woodworking
experience. We can work with your timbers or we will provide them for you. Salvaged
timbers or fresh cut timbers. If you have a project in mind that you would want only
the best and truly custom, contact us and we will meet in person and talk about your
project, its design, function, budget and time line!
Feel free to contact us online!
View more timber frame photos in our photo gallery
