Custom Sawing
The mill we use is a Woodmizer LT-40-HD band sawmill.
The LT 40 is fully hydraulic, which takes the hand work out of sawing logs. It has a log
lift that will raise the log unto the bed for sawing. The maximum length the mill will cut
is 20'.the maximum width of cut is 28". The mill will process logs up to 36" in
diameter by 20' and as small as 8'
Portable Jobs
The mill is completely portable and can be brought to your site and set up to saw your
logs. This saves you the cost of loading and trucking the logs to the mill. We need a
level area to set the mill up and the logs should be positioned so they can be rolled unto
the log lift arms.
Typical Setup

Our Site
If at all possible it will save you money if you can deliver your logs to our site. We
have machinery there to unload the logs and then to load the logs in the sawing process
and handle the lumber after sawing which greatly reduces the time, which saves you money
vs. all hand work on portable jobs.
Your Logs
Should be cut to length and all branches flush cut before I arrive. logs should be kept as
clean as possible to prevent the blade from getting dull early. It is best to saw your
logs as soon as possible after felling, although they can be sawn at any time. Logs should
be inspected for metal and foreign objects inside the log. If I hit a nail or any object
inside your logs during sawing you will be charged $30.00 for a new blade.
Your site when done
What will be left after sawing is the side wood that comes of the 4 sides of the log, bark
and sawdust. We do not factor in the clean up or removal of said items. They are your
responsibility. We are also not responsible for damage to the ground or lawns. We will
stack you lumber in a neat pile next to the saw for you to do with as you like. We highly
recommend you have plenty of stickers (1x1 pieces of dry wood to use to separate the wet
lumber to promote air drying) ready to use to stack your lumber when done.
of Sawing
Quartersawing. Is used mainly on oaks and other logs in this area to showcase the
rays or flecks that these logs can produce. It is also the most stable way to saw a board
as the growth rings are at a 60 to 90 degree angle to the board
Grade sawing. The log is positioned with the best face up and sawed until a
defect appears and then is turned to produce the best defect free boards. (most commonly
Dimensional sawing. Is used to produce pieces that are say for an example 2x4,8 or 10
inch in size.
Price List
The cost of portable milling is $75.00 per hour on site. This includes myself and the mill
and new blades to complete the job.
Any site prep work is also $75.00 per hour. I will talk with you before I arrive and make
sure you have your area and logs where I need them in order for me to saw in an efficient
I do not charge for mileage unless you are more than 25 miles from our operation. If you
are more than 25 miles away we will negotiate a fair charge to cover fuel and time before
I will take the job.
If a 4 wheel drive loader is needed at the job it can be supplied for $75.00 per hour with
a one time delivery fee of $75.00. If you are interested in
any of our sawmill services, please free to contact us online
Check our gallery for
more sawing photos
Tim |